Jain Nightshade


In the enchanted land of Eldrith, where the threads of magic interwove with reality, there lived a gifted sorceress named Jain Nightshade. Her extraordinary talent lay in the art of crochet, and she possessed the rare ability to breathe life into her creations.

Jain's journey into the mystical arts began innocently, as she crafted a red dragon for one Fritzgalen. Drawn by an insatiable desire for mastery, she uncovered an ancient spell that promised to bring her yarn-based fantasies to life. Eager to explore the possibilities, she embarked on a daring quest to bind her magical yarn with the essence of the living.

In a moment of creative brilliance, Jain worked her craft with the Magic Yarn, a radiant thread that shimmered in captivating hues of red and green. As she completed the final stitches, a surge of enchantment enveloped her and her creation, and a knitted dragon emerged, vibrant and alive.

The Weaver Enchantress, now accompanied by her animated dragon companion, soared through the skies of Eldrith. The dragon, brought to life by the magical essence of the yarn, radiated warmth and vitality with every knitted scale.

Guided by a newfound sense of responsibility, Jain and her knitted dragon, Emberweave, used their combined magic to mend the fabric of Eldrith. They brought joy and wonder to the land, weaving tales of creativity and kindness into the very essence of existence.

Emberweave, with its fiery yarn breath and wings made of enchanted threads, became a symbol of hope and inspiration. Together, the Weaver Enchantress and her knitted dragon embraced their roles as protectors of Eldrith, ensuring that the threads of magic continued to weave tales of wonder and warmth throughout the enchanted land.

inspired by: https://www.twitch.tv/jain976

More details

  • Glass material
  • Simple yet trendy design
  • Volume: 16 oz (473 ml)
  • Not dishwasher or microwave safe

Size & Fit

  • Volume: 16 oz (473 ml)

Quality Guarantee & Returns

  • Quality is guaranteed. If there is a print error or visible quality issue, we'll replace or refund it.
  • Because the products are made to order, we do not accept general returns or sizing-related returns.